Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Southern Fried Sushi {review}

Title: Southern Fried Sushi
Author: Jennifer Rogers Spinola
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Available: 10/1/2011
Source: Netgalley

About the book:
Shilo Jacob's had it all in Tokyo, a great job, a handsome boyfriend and all the Japanese food she could handle. She didn't have a family who cared, but found her life's ambition in the chaos and busyness of Japan. So, when she received the phone call about her mother and everything else in her life started to spiral out of control, she found herself in rural Virginia and hating every minute of it. She had a lot to learn about her mother and her own preconceived ideas of rural Virginia and their people and strange food. She couldn't understand how the mother she remembered and the mother that was deeply cared about here could be the same person. She really didn't understand how a church and their God could change her mother and knows she won't be so easily persuaded by these so called good people.
My Take:
This is a great Christian fiction (romance) book. I know...that's a lame let me further elaborate! The settings, both in Japan and in Virginia were so realistic (found out later that she lived in Japan and the deep south) that I would love to visit both places. I especially love books that can let me escape to another world and her descriptive prose definitely did it with this book. The plot...while a little crazy at first...I mean who has all those things happen at one time.. works for the rest of the story. The writing was like a fine hot pepper... slow to simmer but hot to the point and kept the heat on during the whole book.The characters each had their own believable flaws that kept me reading. The romance isn't the heart of the's a fiction but the romance adds a great touch. Very highly recommend!!!!
The author:
This is her first novel with 2 more in this series coming out in 2012. I can't wait!!! She also has another romance novella coming out in 2012/2013 as well. She currently lives in Brazil with her Brazilian husband and adopted son. If she is anything like her writing and her wonderful website and blog.. I'd invite her for a starbucks any day!

7 out of 7 thumbs up...perfect for everyone!


  1. Jacque, THANKS THANKS THANKS for posting this! :D I can hardly believe the book is just days away from being released! So sweet of you to review it here and give me high marks... I look forward to reading many more of your reviews!

  2. Oh, and if it's OK to leave this, Jacque, I just found out that my editor is giving away a free book at this site:

    Thanks so much!
